My ORIGINAL Christmas Break Plan:
Rock-N-Roll Santa from OHIO in Montpellier
I was going to head from
Ariel’s host mother (above with Katrina) took us to the beach for a picnic...
to La Grande Motte (above with Ariel), a famous French resort and port, known for its funky architecture...
and to Aigues-Mortes (above) which is 1 of 3 completely fortified cities and was the only Mediterranean port during the Middle Ages.
Beautiful French Candy store chain in Aigues-Mortes "La Cure Gourmande" = cured from eating a lot! ;)
That week, Clément and I started dating...
We enjoyed rollerblading around town (under Montpellier's Arc de Triomphe)

We all went Ice Skating a lot...
Indoor skating rink with disco lights!
(Becca, me, and Sarah)
Outdoor rink at the Esplanade in the center of town
(me, Rebecca, Ariel, and Chris)
We went out dancing a lot ...
Ana Carolina - Brazil, Jennifer - Washington State, me, and Juliana - Brazil
Ariel and me at Macadam pub
Celebrating Rachel's 21st Birthday!
Juliana and I at a house warming party for Asof (English guy)

Christmas party at the Vert Anglais, our favorite bar!!!